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Welcome to the Promotion and Marketing category, where you will find valuable insights and tips to successfully promote and market your music.

There are a few factors to consider for pricing your mixing and mastering services. Some things that you should keep in mind are your experience level, your client base, and other mixing/mastering engineer rates in your area. Remember also you can always adjust your rates over time.

Read More about Maximizing Your Earnings: Mixing And Mastering Pricing Tips

The main difference between a Music Production Company and a Record Label is that a record label specializes in marketing and distributing music. In contrast, a production company specializes in creating and producing music. Differences Between Music Production Companies And Record Labels A music producer isn’t always what you think it is; sometimes, they’re also …

Read More about Music Production Company Vs Record Label

Making money as a sound engineer comes down to involving yourself in your local music community, forming connections, knowing your stuff, and being reliable. There are many ways to make money as a sound engineer; I advise being open to different kinds of work. Making Money As A Sound/Audio Engineer Making money as an audio …

Read More about How To Make Money As A Sound Engineer (Plus EPIC Tips!)

Getting into film scoring is about research, education, developing your composing chops, and building a suitable home studio/composition setup. The best way to become a film composer is to work at it daily and make step-by-step goals that slowly lead to more substantial ones. Getting Into Film Scoring With all the different skill sets required …

Read More about How To Get Into Film Scoring (An Introduction For Beginners)

The music industry has become infamous for its lack of respect for the people that make it all happen – artists. One can argue that it has never been more challenging for up-and-coming musicians to make a living thanks to the bad business practices of record labels. Consequently, the industry almost crashed at the beginning …

Read More about Why Is The Music Industry So Bad? (Is It All Doom And Gloom?)

It’s no secret that the music industry is changing. We’ve been hearing about it for years now, but as time goes on and we watch more artists fall by the wayside, it becomes even clearer just how much this business can change in a short period of time. To survive, you need to adapt…quickly. And …

Read More about How To Survive In The Music Industry (Definitive Guide)